Kategorie: Video

  • Forrest and Meadow Taggies

    Forrest and Meadow Taggies

    Wow, another Taggies, you might think 😉 Yes, we’ve created some more taggies. After the Taschenbaumeleien and the Weihnachtsbaumeleien we now have the „Forrest and Meadow Taggies“. All in all there are 8 different cute taggies to embroider. All completely done in your embroidery machine and all are done in no time. Look at the cow taggie and the…

  • baggie – taggie

    baggie – taggie

    What a bad rhyme! Our latest embroidery is much better. It is about bears and cats, flowers, a house. And felt, prefered wool or textile felt. You will need not to much more to create such cute taggies yourown, just:   one of our 10 motifs your embroidery machine felt (wool or textile) of 1-2mm…