Kategorie: Patchwork
Pineapple Quilts
Sure you’ve already read one or the other post about my own Pineapple Quilt blocks, like this one: here. I love quilt blocks, and so I thought it should be possible to do them also in the embroidery machine. Yes, it is, and it looks this: I sewed (embroidered) 4 identical blocks and joined them…
Little Village Quilt BOM 11 – Only one other to go
Isn’t it amazing? Where is the time gone? I remember as it was yesterday when I told you about my idea of a One-Year quilt project. All started with this first block in July last year: And now nearly one year is over and here is BOM 11 for May. A maritime scent, the may…
Crazy Patchwork
Some time ago we presented you our Patchwork-Minis and our Patchwork-Alphabet. You liked the edges around the cute motifs very much and asked if we could not offer more embroidery of this style. And here we go: The numbers 0 to 9 and the beutiful motifs like hart, house, tree flower and more are done in no minute, since they…
Baltimore Quilt Blocks
When you are a patchworker you of course know what Baltimore Quilt is. This special kind of quilt motifs usualy is appliqued by hand. The motifs are symmetrical and you get floral blocks. These blocks can be combined together with other quilt blocks, maybe Log Cabin or Nine Patch. BTW, my first sewed quilt was…
Here is the Easter BOM
Sure you are already waiting for the March Block, especially since the month is already 12 days old. So here it comes, the 9th Block of the Month. Of course the motifs are for Easter decoration. Easter bunny lost 3 eggs in front of the house… … and a hen hided in the flower pot…
A cuddly quilt from dreamy Fabrics
Now it is the time to show you what I did the last weeks in my little sewing room. Since my work was about the birthday gift for my mam, and she is reading this blog, I couldn’t unhide this earlier. So enjoy the pics (and I am saving the words). These MODA-Precuts I found during…
Little Village Quilt – the 3rd Block
Did you already finish your first two Quilt blocks? Now it is September so it is time for the next block of our Quilt Project. Of course the September block looks like autumn, with a shining sun flower and a red apple in front of a house. In the September BOM you can find 4 different applique…
Little Village Quilt – BOM 2 arrived
Sure you were waiting for this wishfully. After starting with the first block of our Little Village Quilt Block of the Month some weeks ago time has come for the next, the second block. Since this is the August block and I promised that every block will suit the time of year, this block is a…
Small tiny Quilts
The new „Small Quilts“ are realy small. That’s why I am calling them so. So let’s have a look at them As said they are really small. The blocks you can see in the middle are 4cm or 6cm, means each block is contained twice. The quilt motifs as well are small, at least they…
Hex, Hex … Hexies
(„Hex, Hex“ is the spell of Bibi Blocksberg, the loved by German kids little witch. „Hexe“ = witch. Don’t be scared, I am not about to bewitch you. And I will not tell about Halloween… At the weekend I tryed a new to me patchworking technique: Hexies. All you need is a lot of fabric hexagons,…