Kategorie: Misc
How is our Provence trip related to the latest embroidery file?
Please find below a short summary of our recent trip to Provence in Southern France. Apart from the great impressions we got there the trip also inspired some new embroidery files to come. Even when the report is in German you can have a look at the pictures we took to understand what made us…
Der Stickbär has 10th Birthday
Already some time I did machine embroidery and created my own designs and digitized them. So my family and I decided to make a profession our of the hobby. The name Stickbaer, what means embroidery bear, came from my husband, who is my bear. And since we, as a family are doing all things together…
Christmas Presents
I know, I know, the heading sounds strange begin of january … But I wanted to show you not the presents I am preparing, but the presents I received last Christmas. My husband fulfilled a longtime wish of mine. I am loving the little wooden figures of Wendt&Kühn so much. The angels orchestra, the flower kids and…
The new Kid in the Sewing Room
New kid in the meaning of the word, since my newest machine is branded „Babylock“. But one after the other: I like Patchwork and Quilting for some years now. My interest moved from sewing clothing to sewing of pillows, mugrugs, tablecloth and especially quilts. I started with a Baltimore-Quilt, this was my very first. This…
Today: Big Stickbaer Tombola at Handmade Karussell
Certainly most of you know the Handmade Karussell (carousel), now running the 4th round. Many known for you labels are partitcipating here. Today the round is at us, The Stickbaer Shop. All the details you can read in the blog of Kreativlabor Berlin. You can chose 6 embroidery collections from the Stickbaer Shop catalogue. Good luck in this…
Needle World in Karlsruhe and my Smartphone problem
What a weekend in Karlsruhe. Although I planned to drive with my cabrio car open I had to drive closed because of rain. But in Karlsruhe sun was laughing. Kasia and I met in the Novotel hotel in downtown. Not easy to find because of a city full with road works. After a dose of coffein…
April Weather in May
Sometimes I get the impression this year urgently needs a calendar to look at. No snow and ice in winter, it was more like november in january and february. No skiing here. In march then we had temperatures like in may, I even could plant first tomatoes. In begin of april the fruit trees were…
Kissed in March
Do you know this wonderful German poem „Märzküsse“? It is by the wellknown German author of kids literature James Krüss. I got it yesterday (together with some delicious cookies) from my friend Susanne. Märzküsse von James Krüss Es kroküsst und es primelt im Garten und am Bach. Ein Spatzenpaar verkrümel sich selig unter’s Dach. Paarweise…
Cute bakeries
Actually, I was always the old-fashioned cake baker. Sheet cake, yeast cake, normal cookies, Christmas cookies these was already the highlight of my decorated baking arts . And now its my swedish friend Lotta’s fault, that I now have a whole drawer full of cake-decorating items. But I will report in the…
Stickbaer goes UK 🙂
Some weeks ago I received an email from Liz, the editor in chief of the biggest UK machine embroidery magazine „Flair Magazine“. Liz found the Hotdog Bag in our Shop, a file by Kasia and me. And she loved it so she wanted to tell her readers about it in the next issue. That’s why she asked me…