This friday when opening the window on our Advent Calendar you found our 3rd Freebie for you.
And since it is quite easy to make there is still time to embroidery some of the bells right before christmas.
Our little felt bell is a pefect embellishment for any christmas present.
See here how easy it is to embroider it.
First, of course you need the embroidery file.
Here you get the download link:
Load the unzipped file to your embroidery machine.
First embroider color 1. It marks the place where you…
…put in step 2 the felt. Let it overlap say 0.5cm.
The next color does the edge again and fixates the felt on the backing.
So no need for spray-on glue.
Now we are adding the edges and the snow flake in the center. Maybe you want to use metallic thread, but also with Rayon thread it looks good.
Now the machine stopps for the last step.
Remove the hoop from the machine (but not the project from the hoop) and turn it.
Cut a 15cm ribbon, do a loop and attach it with a tape at the top of the bell.
Now take another piece of felt, overlapping the bell and fixate it.
Turn back the hoop and mount it back to the machine. Take care for the ribbon loop not get stuck and the felt on the back not to be shifted.
The last embroidery step now combines both felt layers and the ribbon loop.
Front side:
Back side:
No remove everything from the hoop, remove tapes and cut out the bell with 2mm allowance.
I used a waved rotary cutter for the lower end.
A little bell and a bow adds much to your project.
Now it is time to attach your bell to the present.
As you see I was hard-working so I had my gifts prepared already begin of december.
Some green.
Take the chance to give your Christmas presents a Plus!
Enjoy our 3rd Advent Freebie. We wish you a nice 4th Advent weekend.
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