Sometimes I get the impression this year urgently needs a calendar to look at.
No snow and ice in winter, it was more like november in january and february. No skiing here.
In march then we had temperatures like in may, I even could plant first tomatoes. In begin of april the fruit trees were blooming. The lilac, a may plant already lost its blossoms for a long time.
And now, mid may we have April weather.
Sun and rain are interchanging rapidly. No time to change clothes.
But, only during such weather you can watch such rainbows. As this one over our garden …
What a light.
The rain phases I am spending in my sewing room. Or I am at the computer and thinking about new files for you.
Or, we are listening to you and open a mobile shop, perfect for your smartphone. Now you can look at the Stickbaer shop even when on the road.
With extra large buttons…
What are you doing when it is rain outside?
Ganz liebe Dienstagsgrüße
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